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Trip Tips and Tricks to become #1

As a #MarketingDirector you need to be versed on many different social mediums to give your clients the best service. Over the next couple of weeks we will discuss how to excel at different platforms out there, this week we will start with #Tripadvisor!

Have a restaurant, spa, yoga studio or hotel as a client? These are only a couple businesses that flourish on Trip. It’s important to build up your clients presence here to gain customers that aren’t from the area, or are doing research on these types of businesses in the city you reside. Did you know Trip has over 200 million unique monthly visitors? What a large network with #targeted audiences! Below are a few tips on how to #mazimize your Trip presence.

#1: Have your past #customers help you. The amount and quality of reviews your profile has is crucial on Trip.  Getting those reviews is also a tricky part because of the #1 DON’T RULE: Do not ask co-workers or you yourself to review your business – They must be real customers! Instead.. you know that monthly newsletter you send out to your past customers (you better be doing that!) include a link to review your business so customers can easily go there.

#2 Encourage #Pictures & #Videos. This trick is technically involved with the above tip, however it’s so important we wanted to make it it’s own! Ask your past customers to upload #PICTURES from their trip or experience with you. Ever heard the saying, “A picture says 1,000 words” – so you get the picture ;)

            According to TripAdvisor, properties with 30 or more photos have 41% more engagement than those with 10 or fewer. When it comes to video, the same is true. North American properties with at least one video have about 34% more engagement than properties without a video.

#3: Holla Back. Have you ever written a review and received a response “from the owner”? Well, not only do you feel even more connected to the business but it made you want to go back, no? Funny thing is….You most likely were messaged from their marketing director. A lot of business owners do not have the time to manage their review sites, so responding to EVERY review is very important! Positive or negative, you need to respond, and if it’s negative… that leads us to tip #4!

#4: When responding, never admit fault. Say a customer was mad about the wait or simply the food wasn’t cooked to their expectation. Apologize that they had a bad experience and invite them back. Do not include “Sorry our Chef messed up your order” because that has a negative view to your business. Apologize that their experience was not the 5-star experience that your restaurant is expected to give, and you’d like to invite them back to change their perspective!

#5: Include Trip icon on all social sites and website. Make it EASY! #EASY EASY EASY for your customers to click and review. The longer it takes to do something, the higher % chance you will lose their interest.

#6: Keep it fresh. Update new images monthly if not weekly, make sure hours and business info is up to date… with minor changes from month to month to keep it fresh.

Do you have other #TipsandTricks for Tripadvisor? Comment below and thanks for reading!


The Art of the Hash

Ever wonder why everyone uses hashtags and what they even do? How to use them properly?
Well for starters, it's important to know what social mediums the "hashtag" works on.
Twitter, #Facebook, #Pinterest, #Googleplus, and possibly in the future (but not right now) LinkedIn.

So, what exactly is a #hashtag? It's "#"
Alone, it does nothing.. but attach a word behind it with #NOpunctuation what-so-ever and you have a link to another community. A community that also used that exact word or phrase, and all of a sudden you're thrust into a news feed of similar posts. The hashtag is used to draw attention, organize and promote your post. Whether you're uploading a picture of your puppy and including #frenchbulldog or your beverage of choice and putting #cocacola - the hashtag has a use for every person. Whether marketing your brand, or trying to find other french bulldog lovers ;)

The hashtag was created by #Twitter, but it's use didn't stop there. You cannot use punctuation, spacing or special characters in your words or phrases. For example, #you'regreat would translate to #you since the 'regreat portion will be cut off. Instead you have to go against ALL grammatical rules and change to #youregreat (makes me cringe) or find another way to say it! 

So why use them? First off... they help you find your target audience. Using the above two examples again, if you wanted to find more profiles on instagram that also are about french bulldogs, click on your #frenchbulldog link and you will see a feed of other profiles. And it works the other way around, you're more discoverable! 

Hashtags also improve your clickthrough rate. According to research from #BuddyMedia, tweets that hashtags receive double the engagement as posts that don't! Another great way to use a hashtag is for market research, ask a question to high school professors and #highschoolprof and see who is out there! 

There is so much more into the hash tag and it's uses... we'll dive even deeper next week! And we will discuss how LinkedIn doesn't have #'s but uses a variation... 

Thanks for reading!
#theartofthehashtag #ormondbeach #marketing 

If you're not using Google Drive & Drop Box... you're missing out!

Sending and receiving photos, videos or large files can sometimes be a huge pain due to email size restrictions. When working for a communications firm like us, you constantly find yourself being blocked because that graphic is double the size of allowable files in outlook or gmail. What is the best solution though?

We have used Google Drive and Dropbox for awhile now and I'm still amazed at their ease of use. Whether I am uploading 150 pictures from a #photoshoot with one of our clients, or sending a large PDF to a newspaper, Google Drive is on everyone's list of go-to's when sending. Want to collaborate with a couple different people? No worries... avoid sending an email with a lot of attachments to everyone who then needs to download each file separately, invite them all to your file on google drive and boom - instant access!

Dropbox is another great system when sending a lot of photographs to another person. You upload everything you need and send a link to their email, once clicked they can see everything you've sent and don't have to download each component separately.

Save time, frustration and future headache with #GoogleDrive and #Dropbox. Want to learn more about them? Call us today and we can chat!