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If you think Instagram is for "young people" you may be a ‪#‎DigitalDinosaur‬

If you think Instagram is for "young people" you may be a ‪#‎DigitalDinosaur‬! We started this account Sunday night after picking up a new client at a Civil War Show in Charleston and they already have over 400 like-minded REAL followers and people are "tagging" their friends letting them know to check out the merchandise. We are experienced and educated on how to get the RIGHT type of followers...we aren't just going and tapping on people's accounts or buying followers. Strategic marketing creates the clients you want! Let ‪#‎DigitalDi‬ and team get them for your business!

Callan Group Communications (CGC) is a boutique firm specializing in cause marketing, digital media strategies (notice we don't say "social media") and business/non-profit marketing management.
By "connecting the dots" CGC helps "tell your story" to the masses through thoughtful creative campaigns. Keeping your your business/non-profit relevant and sustainable is our number one focus!

Work / Life Balance

Work / Life Balance

It's so important to balance our hectic work schedule with some fun in life sometimes... don't you agree?!
Just like we, as adults need a break once in awhile - so do our kids. We wanted to share the #VolusiaCountySchoolSchedule so you're aware of the dates and time off for teachers and kids! Our teachers and parents mold our future generation and need a break every once in awhile, as well as students. Time off to be with their families and make memories since, life is so short.
#CallanGroup #timeoff #lifeworkbalance