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Twitter - I'm hooked but what do all these numbers really mean?

I have a business affiliate who doubles in the night life as a great friend. She is really into Twitter and has been encouraging me for over a year to get more into it.

I'm hooked!

I began to follow people who have great marketing tips and they began following me. I searched the words "email newsletter" and started following businesses that mentioned those key words. Then I took it a step further and thought that I should follow different groups that I want to market I started following those associations, too. As I clicked "follow" more and more I saw my followers shoot up. I gained over 50 followers in only a few days.

I'm even more hooked!

Then as I'm building my followers more and more I begin to notice that the followers I'm getting aren't retweeting my posts which makes me think...are we in a social media state of kind where it's not about what we say but how many numbers are next to our name?

What do you think?

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